Friday, January 11, 2008

When do u draw the line?
When do you say you have had enough?
When is the world going to see it from your point of view?
When can it almost drive you crazy?
When is it ok to walk out?

Questions I ask my self when i hear about an unfaithful boyfriend or husband. I have been talking to a friend (more like an aunt) of mine who is married by the way for 5 years now and from the day after her honeymoon, she has been suspecting her husband of infidelity. Ok did i say suspecting? She actually knows, he confesses and cries and do it all over again.

Its just 5 years, what would happen when they get to 10? or 25?
How would she feel?
Who would she be?
She would have lost her identity i say trying to make things work.
She would loss trust ( if she already hasnt)
She would build hatred in her poor little heart for a man she truly loves.
She would regret the day she said I DO.

What do i say ? Do i keep telling her to hang in there ? DO i really think he would change? I pray he does cos he is hurting her So bad its telling on her So bad she cant even imagine he could change So what do i say?

I love my friend don't get me wrong,
But i hate being around coz of her sad story
I hate being around coz i am afraid i am going to burst out and tell her to WALK AWAY
I hate being around because i don't want to hate men like she does
I am not saying i don't want to be a friends and listen
But i see my self forced to tell her how i feel.

How do i feel? I have sat down and thot about her condition I know my feelings might not be surreal because i am not married But dam its still ones heart Its still ones feeling Can i take half of what she is taking ? Can i allow a man take advantage of my submission and love ? God pls dont make me have to have a reason to ans this question. Because i am scared of what my ans would be. I am scared i am not made that way I am scared i am too weak to deal with that.

So what should she do?
Sit back and wait till he comes back home
Scared as hell of what he might bring home?
Aids is real dum ass didn't you get the memo
Should she hold back of his right?
Should she not enjoy her right?
But of what point is it when u scared of the unknown?
Gosh its so much questions that needs an answer
Why should one get into the institution of married only to regret it?

So really WHEN is the question... 5 years of anger, tears, hatred, questions, and heart break Should she wait for another 5 ?
Or maybe 10? Should she keep hoping ? Or should she count it as a loss and WALK AWAY ???


Miz Arkitect said...

Sorry guys for some wired reasons the symbols where coming up had to re-post it.

desperate lady said...

Omg that is so deep. I can't even imagine being ur friend right now. you see that's exactly what i've been wondering, when i say love doesn't count anymore, people think i'm crazy.
why exactly did he take her to the alter knowing he wouldn't be faithful? Why exactly did he make promises infront of our heavenly father? Why? How can someone who claims to love you destroy u like that? What this married dont understand is, they do not only cheat on their wives, but they break the promises in which they made in the presence of God and they'll never go free, they must be punished in Jesus Name.
My dear sorry i couldnt answer ur questions but instead added mine, i don't think there's anything you can tell your friend at this point, when she's ready. she'll do what is right for her.

Miz Arkitect said...

AMEN !! AMEN (to ur prayer) .... @ first i was like ok Dl its questions that needed ans and not questions that needed more questions but i totally agree with you, its always going to be a bunch of questions she only can have an ans and a solution. its a sad reality.

little miss me said...

my heart bleeds when i hear of things like this..i hope she makes the right choice.but what Is the right choice?

Miz Arkitect said...

more questions i say thats all one gets its a sad and harsh reality ... is there really an ans? can u really get to a conclusion or do people just come to a compromise??

Skinny Hipster... said...

oh crap I'm very stupid...I didn't know "notes" meants comments...I think honesty is the best answer. I understand where she is coming from but as a friend you MUST tell the truth ONLY