Friday, January 11, 2008

The Kiss

That first kiss

That childlike kiss

The kiss on the check

Then slowly to the lips

That kiss we both long for

That who the hell cares kiss

That kiss that makes my toes curl

That kiss that opens door

That kiss that starts the unforgettable

That kiss that makes me numb

That Kiss, that kiss I miss


desperate lady said...

*coughs* uummmm *coughs again* paradigm ummm whats going on? Who's kiss do you miss? hmmmmmmmmm

Miz Arkitect said...

lol thats all i can say .....

Mizrepresent said...

I like...and i miss this kiss too!

Miz Arkitect said...

@ mizrepresent: lol had to let it out i guess i was thinking about it too much ,,,lol

Skinny Hipster... said...

I hope your so called "boyfriend" reads this blog someday-SOON lol.

"What you sow you shall reap"

Miz Arkitect said...

@neef: it has nothing to do with MR untitled get it !!!!!
@ honeywell: thanks !!!!

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.