Sunday, December 23, 2007


22nd :
ok we where finally booked on a flight on the 21st .
i guess they say you learn from your mistakes. i could not afford to miss this flight like i did the first. So i was at the airport, checked in over 4 hrs b4 my flight .
So we finally boarded the plan and the journey began............. 3 hrs into the trip, the worse kinda turbulence i have ever witnessed. -It might not be that bad ok but for real i prayed all kinda prayers, at first i started with the normal you know Blood of Jesus and having a safe trip and all but God forgive me, when it got so bad, and the lady sitting behind me was asking her mum if we where going to CRASH!!!!(who says that out loud come on) My prayers changed to prayer of forgiveness... ( i could not believe it either, come on i hope it was not my tyme and even thou , GOD pls not that way but i was so freaked out my faith was absent ) My sis was all eyes closed and i was hoping and failed to believe she was sleeping( sleep i know she loves but not in this situation)
Finally we where stable and i could not even sleep, blink or even get up , all i was hoping to hear was " cabin crew, please prepare for landing"