Saturday, February 9, 2008

I know he listens !!!! try him

Today started like every other day, call from my ex waking me up, going to the bathroom and then saying a little prayer. (i need to get closer to my God men) 
i went down stairs, trying to get some work done as soon as possible, because i had a big day planned ahead of me. 
9:30 i get a text from an old friend 
f:------------ blank 
P: hey how u doing, u sent me a black msg
f: ------------ blank 
p: Hey same thing !! its blank 
F: "God have something great for u this week, so always keep that lovely smile on ur face and received the blessings . u are the best in ur family and hope of all. "
P: aww wow thanks so  much, Amen.. so tell me is that a FWded message, or did u really mean it? either way. ... Amen . how u doing?
F: ha .. naa na. from my heart 
P: thanks i love the spirit 

i sure said a little prayer and hoped on getting my blessing.
went along with my work and all of a sudden i had this restlessness in me. i could not sit down again i could not concentrate and then i walked away. i had to leave.  i wish i could say what this blessing was, but it something i have been praying, fasting and hoping for. I wanna testify so much i donno where to start from i called my mum and she started crying on the phone. 
I know God is real, i know is is able but sometymes we human beings tend to not believe that instead we  take him for granted. i have,  a lot.
This blessing is going to cause a whole lot of changes in my life for the better. Its the perfect assurance that God is out there listening to this little girls cry at night. i love you God. Thanks you father. 
Yeah i know this is random. i have written this down in my diary, and it didnt feel ok. You know that feeling u get when u let sthing out, i didn't get that . I hope i do now. 
Lets say this is my little testimony  for my Annonymous blessing !!!. THANK YOU LORD . 


dScR?Be said...

WOWZERS! I feel like u have written down d way i've been feeling since last year!

Unspeakable Joy for an anonymous blessing. Its done... just keep praising

desperate lady said...

I'm so curious as to what this blessing is, whatever it is darling, I know it.ll come.
So stay strong n wait 4 ur blessing, I'm waitin for mine too so put me in ur prayers.

Guess wut?

Miz Arkitect said...

@ istpet2v9: thanks love all i can do is say thank you lord.
@dl: wait ke? it has come my dear. as in i am walking on cloud nine lol been having a smile on my face all day. u always in my prayers hon. yours in on its way.
wot ? wot ? wot i hate suspence girl !!!!! pls do telll

Skinny Hipster... said...

"Let somebody shout hallelujah"

rethots said...

Hmmm, you sure must be having fun....your ex is your wake up alarm; isn't that droll?

He sure listens, just as i'm sure if you whisper it....i'll hear.

Miz Arkitect said...

@honeywell: he sure is. i believe i wrote Annonymous !!!!!!!! lol
@ NEEF: lol
@rethots: lol lol pls dont put it that way. well wen u think about it, it really is. well i ant complaining !!! lol welcome back been a while !!! "she whispers !!!" can u hear ??? lol

Afrobabe said...

awwww...hope the blessings pass this way...I sure need them..

StR8 UP Desiree'D said...

Amen sista! God is wonderful :) nice blog.

Miz Arkitect said...

@ S.U.D.: thanks !!!