- the urban city -
"Acrylic on canvas 24" by 36"
( dont mind my red wall on the background lol)
I Think I jinx my self when ever i do that whole " ooo I am back, sorry i have been gone for long blah blah, coz all that happens is I become MIA again and the circle continues, so lets all pretend i was never gone, ok !! lol
........saw a post on face book about vera's blog, and after going through and reading i finally realized .....
I MISS BLOGGING : ( !!!! it was fun reading through and reading all y'all's comments and i sure did have a good laugh, so i really need to create time for this. I feel its gonna take a whole lot to catch up on ,.. feels more like i am new to blog ville. : (
i am ready thou !!!
Guitar: Quit
well not really quit, just stooped ma lessons lol looking for a new teacher thou learnt how to play 2 1/2 songs, now, can only remember 1 1/2 : (
i really thot this was it men
Love life: in-existence
lol really it is. I kinda cleaned my slate, no strings attached. a whole lot happened in this last 8months that made me realize that's what i just need right about now.
Architecture: still in love
Loving it more each day. the other day thou, i cried and thot for a sec i was in the wrong discipline ( too late now don't u think?) anyways i guess i went back to my ever refresher (painting) and it brought back the creative side in me, and then i smiled and realized its architecture or nothing really lol
Painting : still in debt to
lol i soo am in debt to painting as in its helps soo much in soo many ways and donno how to repay ... planning on having a show thou, yes!!!!
so my birthday is in May, and its one of those big years that everyone expects you to celebrate
( even thou i am soo running away from that) anyways i guess the only way i would do that is if i make it an art show or sthing since i have been forced to love my pieces. I wouldnt say forced to love. i like them but i just never think they are good enuf to show !!!
so my idea??
" rent a gallery, put up my painting/pottery , and have a show!!! cocktail thingy with my art, friends and miii!!! : ) lol
Grad school: TIRED : (
really i am counting down my days men!!!!
Life: CANT BE BETTER !!! : )